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What Are Visual Perceptual Skills?

A woman in a striped shirt reading a book in a brightly lit room.

Visual perceptual skills are the processes your brain and eyes use to interpret and understand what you see. Even with 20/20 vision, a person can experience vision issues because of challenges related to their visual skills. The connection between your brain and your vision is essential for seeing comfortably and clearly. Different conditions can disrupt […]

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Is Vision Therapy Permanent?

A woman doing a vision therapy exercise.

Your vision is much more complicated than you may think it is. It’s one of your most important senses and helps you explore and understand your world in 3D.  Some people’s vision may not develop or function properly, impacting academic performance, sports, work productivity, and social interactions. Vision problems can particularly affect children because they […]

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What Is Sports Vision?

A fit man running on the side of a road, wearing red and black spandex, red shoes, a visor, and sunglasses.

Vision is one of our most essential senses. But it’s more than just 20/20 eyesight. It’s about taking in visual information, gaining understanding, and connecting with our surroundings. And when it comes to sports, having excellent vision is crucial for peak performance.  Sports vision refers to the visual capabilities needed for optimal performance in sports. […]

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Vision Therapy Benefits for Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain assembled out of white puzzle pieces against a blue background.

Recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be challenging—but it’s not something anyone has to do alone. Healthcare professionals can provide support for everything from physical recovery to vision therapy.  Sometimes, the visual effects and recovery associated with TBIs can go overlooked because of other serious effects, resulting in lasting changes to a person’s […]

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