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Can Myopia Be Corrected with Vision Therapy?

A child doing red green activities for vision therapy.

Myopia can severely affect quality of life by making everyday activities more challenging, especially without proper care to manage the condition. Vision therapy may be an option to alleviate symptoms related to myopia and make life a little easier.  Vision therapy involves a personalized approach to improving vision through dedicated exercises. With these approaches, we […]

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Can I Wear Contact Lenses with Astigmatism?

Happy young woman standing against a purple background and holding a contact lens case in each hand.

Am I Able to Wear Contact Lenses with an Astigmatism?  Contact lenses are an excellent option to switch up your look from glasses while maintaining those same levels of vision correction. It all starts with a comprehensive contact lens exam and fitting with your optometrist.  But can you wear contact lenses with eye conditions like […]

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