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Vision Therapy Treatment in North York

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Evidence-Based Treatment

Vision therapy is so much more than “eye exercises.” It is an evidence-based, fully personalized program of treatment designed to improve visual skills. We do this by working to change the way our patients process and interpret visual information.

At Avenue Optometry & Vision Therapy, we have extensively studied a multitude of vision therapy techniques. We are excited to help our community reach their full potential by building on their vital visual skills.

Book an appointment today to learn more about vision therapy treatment.

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Tailoring a Program For You

Once you have completed a vision therapy diagnostic assessment, we will tailor a program specifically for your needs. You will complete the program under the direction of an optometrist, performing some tasks in the office under supervision and some from the comfort of your home. 

All of our vision therapy plans are created to address your specific areas of concern. There is no standardized set of exercises or activities to run through because we don’t believe in a one-size-fits-all treatment approach. 

We also continually modify your treatment plan based on your progress and performance. Every 10 sessions, we perform progress checks to measure improvements and discuss the next steps. Depending on your situation, we may recommend more sessions or transition you to at-home maintenance therapy. 

Every vision therapy treatment plan looks a little bit different, because everyone’s needs are different.

Book an appointment today to see what vision therapy can do for you.

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VR for VT

Our office has invested in some unique and high-tech vision therapy treatment solutions. The Optics Trainer is a virtual reality vision therapy tool that immerses patients in gameplay and activities designed to improve hand-eye coordination, reaction time, visual memory, peripheral awareness, sports vision, depth perception, and more.

We also employ the RightEye vision system to help identify and address binocular vision disorders. This non-invasive diagnostic test allows your optometrist to tests, record, analyze, and report even the smallest of eye movement patterns with great detail.

We’ve invested heavily in the right tools for the job—your eyesight is that important to us!

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What Are Visual Skills?

There are 17 vital visual skills that help you perform everyday tasks. Most people think of visual skills as simply “eyesight,” but it is far more complex than that. Vision therapy can help improve several types of visual skills.

Simultaneous Focus

Simultaneous focus occurs at both near and far distances. It is the ability to form a clear image of an object that is either close by or far away.

There are several types of visual perception, and vision therapy can help with all of them. Depth perception allows you to tell how close (or far away) objects are in relation to one another. Colour perception helps you to differentiate between shades of colour. Finally, visual perception is how you perceive the entirety of the environment around you.

Visual-motor skills are divided into gross and fine categories. Gross visual-motor skills let you use the entirety of your vision to move yourself around without bumping into things. Fine visual-motor skills are what allow for close-up activities like crafting and writing.

There are multiple types of alignment including lining both eyes up at the same point at either a near or far distance (simultaneous alignment) and holding them that way (sustaining alignment).

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Our Location

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  • 1923 Avenue Road
  • North York, ON M5M 4A2

Contact Information

Clinic Hours

  • Monday: Closed
  • Tuesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Wednesday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Thursday: 9:00 AM 6:00 PM
  • Friday: 8:30 AM 4:00 PM
  • Saturday: 8:30 AM 2:00 PM
  • Sunday: Closed

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