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Category: Vision Therapy

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What Causes Eye Tracking Problems?

a child uses their finger to aid their reading because of eye tracking issues

Our eyes are constantly moving, whether we’re aware of it or not. This motion is controlled by the brain and allows us to follow text smoothly and focus on moving objects. But sometimes, developmental challenges, brain injuries, or age-related changes can disrupt this essential connection between the eyes and brain. When that happens, we can […]

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Does Vision Therapy Work for Convergence Insufficiency?

A child with headphones on rubbing their eyes from convergence insufficiency while doing homework on a desk in front of a laptop.

In a world where screen time is at an all-time high, eye health has become more important than ever. Among the various vision challenges people face today, convergence insufficiency is a common yet often misunderstood condition.  This condition occurs when the eyes struggle to work together while focusing on nearby objects, such as when reading […]

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What Is Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome?

A young man holding one hand to his eyes due to eye strain and holding his glasses in his other hand.

Living through a traumatic event can dramatically impact various aspects of your life, but one overlooked consequence is the effect on your vision. Post-Trauma Vision Syndrome (PTVS) is a condition that can significantly impact your daily activities and overall recovery process.  PTVS is a complex visual condition that arises following a traumatic incident, such as […]

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What Are Visual Perceptual Skills?

A woman in a striped shirt reading a book in a brightly lit room.

Visual perceptual skills are the processes your brain and eyes use to interpret and understand what you see. Even with 20/20 vision, a person can experience vision issues because of challenges related to their visual skills. The connection between your brain and your vision is essential for seeing comfortably and clearly. Different conditions can disrupt […]

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Vision Therapy Benefits for Traumatic Brain Injury

Brain assembled out of white puzzle pieces against a blue background.

Recovering from a traumatic brain injury (TBI) can be challenging—but it’s not something anyone has to do alone. Healthcare professionals can provide support for everything from physical recovery to vision therapy.  Sometimes, the visual effects and recovery associated with TBIs can go overlooked because of other serious effects, resulting in lasting changes to a person’s […]

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